
Called to journalism

The well known theologian Karl Barth said the following in Time Magazine May 31, 1963:"Newspapersare so important that I always pray for the sick, the poor, journalists, authorities of the state and the church - in that order. Journalists form public opinion. They hold terribly important positions." We are well aware of how media can distort facts and act irresponsibly. But we also know that media can be helpful in disclosing corruption and mobilize people to action for good causes.Media shapes public opinion and media is made up of journalists. Journalists thus have an important role in leading a public discourse and shaping public opinion.Publicopinion is important for politicians and legislators. They in turn passlaws and institute regulations which determine legal parameters for justice and mercy in action. Just laws are of course desirable, and God hates injustice.So journalists have a great responsibility to fight injustice, uphold human dignity, and lift up human rights. Journalismis a prophetic calling; truth telling combined with calls for compassion for the poor, the weak, and the powerless and voiceless – be they near or far away.So let"s heed the implied call from Karl Barth – pray for journalists!

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